• Children's Weekly Events & Updates

    Sunday School - 10:00 a.m. - For all ages

    First Family Dinner - Bible Studies for all ages - 5:15 - 7:30 p.m.

    Our latest Children's Ministry Newsletter

  • Sunday School

    We believe children can learn and experience God's love at all stages of their life. That's why we offer Sunday School classes for infants on up to 12th grade.  We have many dedicated Sunday School teachers who have a heart for children. It is our goal to teach your child God's Word, apply it to their lives, encourage them to look up and memorize scripture, and connect with other people of the church of all ages.

    Click HERE to see descriptions of our Sunday School classes.

    4 Year Old Leader Guide Fall 2024

    Leader Guide Kindergarten - 5th September/October 2024

  • First Family Dinner
    First Family Dinner is our Wednesday night church-wide fellowship and discipleship event for all ages. We gather for dinner at 5:30 p.m. in the Heritage Room. We have a short worship time, then we split into the following groups:


    Children's Bible Study

    Children's Bible Study is for all children in the 4th, 5th, and 6th grade. It is held every Wednesday during the school year and lasts from 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. in Room E202. Bring your Bible. Friends are welcome to come!


    Wednesday Night Bible Club

    The Wednesday Night Bible Club is for children in Kindergarten - 3rd Grade. It will give the children a fun, hands-on way of experiencing Bible stories. It is held every Wednesday during the school year and lasts from 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. in Room E213.



    The Sprouts are our smallest disciples that are 4 years old and under. Besides play time, they will have a Bible story and activity. It is held every Wednesday during the school year and lasts from 6:30 p.m.- 7:30 p.m. in Room E212.

  • Confirmation
    Confirmation is the year-long process for 6th graders to become members of the church. On Confirmation Sunday, our Confirmands make their formal commitment to Christ. Confirmands learn about church history, the basics of Christianity, and the history o
    f Methodism. They also visit other denominations and do service projects. Confirmation meets at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings in Room E212.

    Click HERE for our schedule.

    Click HERE for our information packet.

    Click HERE for the Basics of the Christian Faith Curriculum

    Click HERE for the Basics of the Wesleyan Way Curriculum

  • Christmas VBS
    This One-Night Christmas VBS program will have families rotating through the Bible, Crafts, Snacks, and Recreation stations. 5:00 - 7:30 p.m.  There will be a dinner at 5:00 p.m. Registration will begin in October.  This is for families with children in 6th grade and under.

  • Children in Worship
    We want children in worship! From infant on up, children are welcome in our worship services. Children learn to worship by watching their parents and grandparents. We understand that children may fidget and make noise from time to time. We know adults that do that too! We have a children's sermon at each service except on Communion Sunday.  Worship activity books are available at each service.

    Should You Bring Your Kids to Worship? Check Out This Video

  • Children's Worship Festival
    The Children’s Worship Festival is a service entirely geared towards children. The date for CWF 2025 is September 21st at 11:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary.  Dress comfortably and bring a friend! Children are invited to sit on the floor in the front of the sanctuary.  

  • Vacation Bible School

    Vacation Bible School 2025 is July 28th - July 31st.  It is for children ages 4 years old (must be 4 as of July 28, 2025) - completed 5th grade.  Our theme for VBS 2025 is YHWH's Ranch.  The program runs Monday - Thursday, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.

    Check out our VBS promo video HERE.

  • Baptism

    Through baptism we are initiated into the Body of Christ. Our primary means of baptism is through sprinkling; however, we both recognize and offer any form of baptism a parent desires for their child.  If you are interested in having your child baptized, contact Pastor Rick at rick@fmcbryan.org.

  • Ways you can Serve in Children's Ministries

    Sunday School Teacher

    Wednesday Night Volunteer

    Contact Jeff Hobbs at jeff@fmcbryan.org if you are interested in serving. All volunteers must go through Safe Sanctuary training.


    Check out updates by joining the FMC Bryan Children's Ministries group on Facebook. 


    If you have any questions about any of our programs, contact the Director of Children's and Family Ministries Jeff Hobbs at jeff@fmcbryan.org or 979-779-1324.

  • Child Care
    Child care is provided for all worship services and most of the weekly evening activities. We are proud to have a very caring child care staff.

  • Click HERE for Child Care Worker Job Application
    Completed applications can be emailed to jeff@fmcbryan.org or turned in at the church office.