First Methodist Church

Youth Ministry Happenings


Our mission is to empower youth to become devoted disciples of Christ by engaging deeply with the Bible, serving both our church and community, and fostering meaningful fellowship. We believe that parents are the foremost disciple makers, and we partner with them to guide and support our young people in their spiritual journey. Through this collaborative effort, we aim to nurture a dyanmic, faith-filled and compassionate generation of believers.

  • Methodist Youth Fellowship (MYF) meets at 5:30 PM in the Heritage Room for dinner followed by fun fellowship and a bible lesson.  We will be asking for a $3 donation to offset the expense of the meal. Please contact Meredith Pennington if you would like to financially sponsor a meal.

  • Wednesdays are a great evening of intergenerational fellowship beginning with First Family Dinner at 5:15 PM in the Heritage Room.

    The youth go upstairs to meet from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM.  The  youth  are currently working through an 18 week reading plan and journaling exercise that takes them through most of the old testament.  We gather for a short message followed by breaking into small groups to discuss their reading for the week. 


    ALL FMC Students will get $200 off so the cost will be $225.  ** You must pay a $25 deposit at the time of registration.  You will pay the balance to FMC. Once your student is registered please let Meredith Pennington know.  If your student has not attended camp before. You MUST speak to Meredith prior to registration. Registration Deadline 4/20/2025


Throughout the year the youth group participates in several mission projects that yield unique experiences. On the journey to be a disciple of God we believe there is no better way to grow than learning to be the “hands and feet” of Christ, both where we are planted and afar. We have served our town with random acts of kindness and mission work days.  This summer 2025 we will embark on a 72 hour mission trip.

Interested in learning more about the youth program or how to be a volunteer?  Please contact Meredith Pennington or 979-779-1324 ext. 110