The Blackwell Lecture Series returns with a focus on Evangelism. The three part series will be given by Eli Reyes. Be sure to mark your calendar for Wednesdays, Sept 4, 11 & 18 at 6pm in the Heritage Room.

The Blackwell Lecture Series is made possible by the generosity of Rev. Dr. Derwood Blackwell and his wife Kathryn. Rev. Dr. Derwood was the son of a Methodist preacher. He served at many locations throughout Texas, including FMC, Bryan. Following his retirement in 1974, he and his wife established the Blackwell Lecture Series Endowment at FMC, Bryan. The purpose was to provide funds for special speaking engagements focused on evangelism. This year, our special guest speaker will be Eli Reyes who is a graduate of Asbury Theological Seminary with a Master’s Degree in Intercultural Studies (Missiology). Over the next three years, he will be working on his doctorate degree at Wesley Biblical Seminary in Mississippi.